Sunday, September 16, 2007

Annie Standing in her Crib!!!

This was the sight I saw when I went to get Annie up from her second nap today!!! Annie had pulled up to a stand in her crib!!! And although this wasn't technically a "first" (because she did it on the side of the tub days before), it was still exciting!

And Annie was so very proud!

Of course, we immediately put the crib on its absolute lowest setting possible. *sigh* We knew that day would come. : )
One more cute thing I have to mention about Annie. Up until now I have related all of our "pet names" for Annie. Leia calls her "Babels" most of the time. Brian calls her "Daubwey" or "Oh de Chunkles." As for me, I have the strangest pet name of them all: "Ze Bunk." Brian's so embarrassed about it, I'm sure he's hoping I won't even put it on the blog. I honestly have no idea why I call her this. It's usually when it's just her and I and she's snuggling with me quite intensely. I have an inkling that it's because we're so used to seeing the signs for "Bunkey Morgan," a local politician who's always on the side of the developers. I've always been intrigued by the name "Bunkey." It's weird. I guess another idea is that often Annie bonks/bunks her head. She's especially prone to doing that lately. She even has a purple mark under her chin where it happened once, . . . and she got a bloody lip when Grandma was watching her today. As for the "Ze" aspect, I have no clue. : )


Anonymous said...

What an exciting milestone! And Annie does look very proud of her accomplishment! I'm proud of her too! Love - Oma

Karin said...

Very cute about the names! :) Mine are mostly just silly things like Popsicle Stick, Scooby Doo, etc. ;) ha.

Karin said...

WOW! She does look proud!!!! :)