Sunday, September 9, 2007

Brian's Rite of Welcoming

This morning Brian received the Rite of Welcoming at Saint Thomas More Catholic Church. It's a wonderful little ceremony during the Mass where the candidates are presented to the Church by their sponsors and are asked to answer a couple of questions in front of the congregation. Because Brian is so new to the process, Jim Bauer served as his proxy sponsor today. I was so proud of Brian's answers to the questions: What do you seek from God on your journey of faith? "I would like to experience and understand some of the mysteries of the Roman Catholic Church." and How can this community of faith assist you? "By offering me moral support and guidance in regards to my questions." Part of the Rite involved the sponsors making the sign of the cross over various parts of the candidates body, symbolizing different things and generally saying that they are giving their entire bodies to God. To prepare for this, our family read and prayed together over John 1: 35-39. Brian was asked to insert himself into the spot of Jesus' disciples in that reading. Very effective. As for Leia, I have stewed about how to tell her what is going on with her Daddy because she had no idea he wasn't Catholic (I think). Every explanation seemed so complicated. Oma said to simply say, "Daddy is becoming Catholic so that he can receive Communion, too!" Thank God for Oma. : )

Here's something that shows that Leia Rose is incredibly perceptive at Mass. In other church news today, Father John asked if there were any students currently enrolled in Saint Thomas More School at the Mass today. Leia Rose (much to my great chagrin) piped up and said, "I . . . I . . . I am going . . ." and Father John heard her all the way from the altar. When he looked over, I just shook my head, and he said, "Not yet, right?" I nodded and said, "Next year." Leia Rose was upset that she couldn't be included.


Karin said...

I know that means a lot to you, so that's exciting! And too funny about Leia in church. ;)

Anonymous said...

Brian - we are so proud of you and happy for you! May God bless you always! Love - Mom