Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sing Along & Snow

Annie and I tried a fun new activity today, . . . one that I had forgotten about for 11 months or so: a sing along with my guitar! It's funny how my guitar, sitting there in the dining room on it's stand, has become a permanent fixture in our decor, . . . and how seldom I remember to play it. Well, today Annie ventured over there to explore it, and she's the one who gave me the idea. So here is Annie wondering what the heck I'm doing while I'm playing my guitar. Doesn't she look just as if she's seeing an alien from outer space? Funny! (Hey, at least she wasn't scared.)
As she got more and more comfortable with seeing and hearing the guitar, I got out the tambourine for her to accompany me.
And finally, she was brave enough to attempt strumming herself. What an interesting learning experience!
Later today, Leia Rose was thrilled to see that I had gotten some packing peanuts (i.e. "snow") in some boxes today. There's nothing Leia loves more than playing in "snow," and especially (and to my chagrin) breaking them up into tiny impossible-to-pick-up pieces! Ah, the wonder of static cling! : )

When Annie wakes up from her second nap these days, I usually let Leia Rose go upstairs and "get" her. Sometimes I even let Leia Rose get in the crib with Annie. Then, while I am making dinner, I keep the monitor on to hear their play. I really enjoy to hear their laughter while they have new adventure and make discoveries together. I feel blessed that these sisters are fast becoming friends. : )

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