Sunday, August 12, 2007

Annie (Almost) Crawls

Annie is on the verge of crawling! Her movements today were absolutely intriguing! At one point I thought she was doing a kind of breakdancing move where her body would go in a kind of wave on the floor, you know? Anyway, with Leia Rose it was a mirror that encouraged her to crawl, . . . with Annie it's Leia's Minnie Mouse jingle bell necklace. : )

I would title this picture "Twinkle Toes," because these are Annie's toes propelling herself while she tries to crawl. The long and the short of it is that Annie hasn't quite figured out how to use her knees yet. She uses her feet instead (without bending her knees at all). It creates a very funny image that compares only to one particular pose that Fred Flintstone used to do (while he was bowling or sneaking around or something). Does anyone remember when Fred would get up on his fingers and toes for propulsion? Yeah, that's Annie.

Here's the video of Annie's attempt. (With a poor, sick little Leia Rose in the background.)

Here is a video of yet another, . . . but the cool thing about this one is that in the middle she says, "I'm gonna get it!" referring to Leia's Minnie Mouse jingle bell necklace. And by the end of it, I shook the necklace so much that Annie herself starts shaking her head up and down in unison. : )

And finally, here's a cute picture of the girls together.


Karin said...

That's so cool!!! :) I can't believe how many things she can say at that age!

Lauren said...

I love it! When Rachel first learned she would bend one knee and have the other leg out sideways. we called it her crabby crawl. LOL She will be crawling any day now!!! :)

LauraW said...

What a great pic of Annie and Leia! And, Congrats to Annie - we can't wait to see everyone...