Thursday, September 13, 2007

Crawling & Caroline

Here's one of Leia's new favorite games: "Crawling with Annie." Leia wanted to do this even before school today! : ) It simply involves crawling right beside Annie and going wherever she goes. : )

Today we had lunch with our old friends from the neighborhood: the Marinos! We've known Caroline from before she was born, even! : ) We've found it's quite hard to get together now that the kids are in school and that we live 40 minutes apart now that they've moved. Still, we both try to make a real effort. It was a real learning experience for me today. Laura had gotten a high chair and a booth for us before we arrived, so that nixed our booster seat automatically. And I didn't even have one of those stick-on placemats (because we still use the booster), . . . so much to my chagrin, she ate on the table!!! (I wiped it first with a clorox wipe, though.) Laura's comment was, "Don't worry. She'll survive. Wait until you have four, the last one will be eating off the floor!" : ) Found out another thing, too. Having a tray keeps lots of stuff from falling on the floor. Every toy went down at least once. Thank God Annie didn't "swipe" the whole meal, though! That's the only thing that kept me sane. : ) Note to self: keep a stick-on placemat and a pip/toy clip with you at all times, just in case.

Caroline is Leia's first friend to have lost a tooth! (Actually, she knocked it out, but we'll say that it counts, huh?) : ) Caroline's a big cheerleader now, too.

Just thought it was cool that Leia spent some time today reading the Trix box on her own. : ) She really had fun sounding out the word "Trix," I think she was fascinated by the "X" sound.


April said...

Was yesterday "Pink Day?" Both the girls are wearing pink.

Lauren said...

O Noel! You remind me of Carlos! I let Rachel eat off the table all the time. Isabella will be too! Carlos can't stand when I do it! LOL We have totally different parenting styles! LOL

Karin said...

I'm totally with ya on the yucky restaurant high chairs and tables!!! ICK!!! I just keep wondering how practical it will be for us to cart 2 booster seats into a restaurant -- along with 3 kids! But I think we're going to attempt it. ;) ha. Those booster seats are the greatest things since sliced bread!!!! ;)