Friday, September 14, 2007

Pickup & Playdate

Here are Leia Rose and Jessica outside of Artgarden Montessori playing "train" on the railroad tie retaining wall. : ) Jessica is the engineer and Leia is the passenger.
We headed over to Oakwood Park (by Jessica's house) and Annie had a ball swinging! She is only used to swinging in the infant swing at home, so this was a new and freeing experience for her. I found that she did better leaning forward like this because sitting her back made her head flop around a bit.

It started drizzling, so we headed over to Jessica's for a rained-out picnic lunch. See how Leia Rose is carrying her princess lunch box? I thought it would be a good idea to practice with it the next few days just to prepare for Monday: the first day of extended day. Annie got to try out Declan's high chair, but unfortunately she did lots of swiping today. : (

Annie and Declan did a great job of playing together with this particular toy. : ) Hollis and Nick have really made such a wonderful play area for the children here in Hollis' office. It was very inviting, . . . it captivated Annie (and Leia) for the entire time.
They also had this really cool foam block set made specifically for toddlers. Annie had a ball! She even went through the tunnel! (Finally!)

And then Leia Rose and Jessica played "The Bumblebee and the Ballerina"! : ) Here is Jessica getting ready to "sting."

And they found it extra fun to hide from Declan and Annie in a little cubby behind the couch! All in all an incredibly fun playdate for all of the girls (including me)! : )


Karin said...

What's the story on the extended day? I hadn't heard about that. Do all the kids start staying later or just the older ones? And she'll just stay through lunch or even beyond? I'm so full of questions! ;)

Karin said...

Oh -- and we bought that baby ball toy this summer! I'm glad they were fans -- hopefully Eric & Aria will be too. :) (Kevin wanted it & Daddy caved in. ha.)

And I always wanted those foam block things when Kevin was little!!! And I've drooled over them again in recent months, thinking about our 2 little ones..... They're pricey though!!!! Very cool :)