Sunday, September 9, 2007

School Similarities

Here is Leia Rose beginning preschool at age 3.

Here am I beginning preschool at age 3.

Here is Leia's Montessori class in 2006-2007 with teacher, Mrs. Schnell. (Leia is directly in the center.) Leia's favorite friends were Yukino, Jessica, James, and Tanielu.

Here's my Montessori class in 1976-1977 with teacher Jane. (Ironically, I am also directly in the center.) My favorite friends were Peter, Jill, Danielle, and Lisa.

I was perusing my "Year-End Evaluation Report" from the Montessori school and I was amazed at the similarities. Here's what it read:

Intellectual Development (Math, Perceptual)

Noelle is a bright child. Mathematically,. she is able to recognize the numbers 0-20 and associate quantity to them. She is able to add one digit numbers, and has had some lessons about the decimal system. Perceptually, she is able to discriminate color, shapes, and sizes. Noelle has developed a great deal intellectually this year.

Social and Emotional Development

Noelle has made many new friends this year. She is mature socially and emotionally. Noelle is a happy, secure, and independent child. Noelle appears to be a perfectionist in academic endeavors, at times this attribute causes her to become frustrated when she cannot complete an activity to her satisfaction.


Noelle is already able to blend sounds together to form words. She is able to express herself well, and is also able to follow directions and understand the spoken language of others. Noelle has made excellent progress socially and academically this year. She is a delightful child, and we have been lucky to have had her in our class.

School Routine 8:30-11:30

1. Sing "Good Morning to You" and shake hands.

2. Do calendar.

3. Each child does own works: drawing, painting, shell scrubbing, bubble work, clothes from suitcase, blocks, pink tower, insets, library books, picture hanging, etc.

4. Private lessons occasionally or whenever the child asks. Noelle asked four times a day the first half of the year. Reading lessons (sounding out words). Math lessons (addition and subtraction). Counting Rods (quantity). Decimal system.

5. Snack Time. Blessing is first. "May the great loving Father watch over us in the future as in the past and grant us great abundance."

6. Outdoor play time.

7. Clay table.

8. Song and dance time. Some songs are "Ten Little Indians," "Looking in the Mirror," "Bridge to Avignon," "Peter Penguin," "Bumble Bee," "Green Speckled Frog," and "Blue Bird."


Karin said...

Cute!!! :)

April said...

Noelle, you and Leia each were placed in the center of your class pictures?! That's amazing! Glad you finally got a chance to look thru your school photos I brought to store. :) Love you - Mom